Covid Thailand Trends

Thailand Covid testing and case data gathered and combined from various sources for others to download or view

Project maintained by Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Daily CCSA Briefings

cases_briefings.json | cases_briefings.csv

Cases/Deaths per province

cases_by_province.json | cases_by_province.csv

Cases/Deaths per Health District

cases_by_area.json, cases_by_area.csv

Cases by Health Area Walk-in Cases by Health Area Proactive Cases by Health Area Cases by symptoms by Health Area

Deaths by Province

deaths.json, deaths.csv

MOPH Covid-19 Dashboard

moph_dashboad_prov.json | moph_dashboard_prov.csv

moph_dashboad_ages.json | moph_dashboard_ages.csv

situation_reports.json | situation_reports.csv

PUI from situation reports Case Types

Testing Data

Private and Public Positive Test Results Private and Public Positive Tests Positive Test Results by health area PCR Tests by health area Positive Rate by Health District in overall positive rate (ex. some proactive tests)

Daily Tests Private+Public

tests_pubpriv.json | tests_pubpriv.csv

Tests by Health District

tests_by_area.json tests_by_area.csv

Vaccination Downloads

Daily DDC Vaccination Reports


COVID-19 Vaccines Track and Traceability Platform for Cold Chain and Patient Safety


BORA Monthly Deaths (Excess Deaths)


